Basic Guidelines for What to Expect When Having Septic Tank Installation - Lee Kirk & Sons Septic, Lakeland FL
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Septic Tank Installation

Septic tank installation can get expensive, but it is important to get a new septic tank installed if the old one is damaged or has a lot of build-up that cannot be remedied by cleaning or pumping. Before you have anyone come in to install a new septic system, make sure you know what type of septic tank you have and its size. Here are some guidelines in what to expect when getting a new septic tank system installed.

1.  First off, we will have to remove your old septic tank and pipes before we do anything else. You will need to know where your septic tank is in order to save money, so we do not waste some of our time working just trying to find out where the septic tank is.

2.  Secondly, the septic tank installation will be different depending on if you are replacing an old septic tank or if you are installing a new septic tank for the first time ever at that location. The only major difference is that when you are getting it installed for the very first time, we will need to dig holes necessary for the pipes for the septic tank system.

3.  Make sure you get a warranty on your septic tank. When we do our septic tank installation, we ensure at least 5 years of warranty that covers all aspects of your septic tank system. We also offer warranty packages for existing septic systems.

Give us a call today, and we will give you a free septic tank installation estimate and give you the best services available.