When considering a new septic system for your commercial or residential property, you might first think of the standard or conventional septic system that includes a basic septic tank, pump, and drain field that relies on bacteria to process your waste. However, there have been newer developments that allow for more options to choose from. One of these additional options includes an aerobic septic system.
Here’s how an aerobic septic system compares to the conventional, anaerobic septic system.
- Similar process: As far as either septic system goes, the processing of waste is still pretty similar between the aerobic septic system and the conventional septic system. Each one still works with a basic septic tank, pump, and drain field and relies on bacteria to break down the waste before pumping the wastewater to the drain field.
- Oxygen required: Unlike your conventional septic system that can work with bacteria that don’t require any oxygen, an aerobic septic system relies on bacteria that require an oxygen-rich environment to live and break down the waste. This necessary oxygen is pumped in from the air outside and above the tank.
- Additional parts and maintenance: Your conventional septic system typically includes a tank, pump, and drain field. An aerobic septic system utilizes an additional pump or blower to pump in air to the tank from the outside. This additional part requires additional maintenance and checks that you wouldn’t have with your conventional septic system.
These are just a few of the key differences between an aerobic and a conventional septic system. Both are equally productive in removing the waste from your home, and we understand how to work with both systems. You can give us a call if you would like to learn more.