A Few Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Attempt DIY Septic Tank Installation - Lee Kirk & Sons Septic, Lakeland FL
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Don't Attempt DIY Septic Tank InstallationOkay, so you bought some land out in the country. You’ve cleared a nice spot with a terrific view for a house foundation, and you’ve poured the pad. The water and sewer lines are in place ready for the septic system. You think: Hey, I cleared this pad, I set the pipes, and I poured the concrete. I can also do the septic tank installation. Piece of cake!

Stop right there! You’re at the moment where many DIYers start on a road to lots of terrible, expensive mistakes. When you are at this moment, you need to think very seriously about what you’re planning to do. You may not realize it, but proper septic tank installation is a complicated and technical undertaking. To do it legally, and to do it right, means avoiding hundreds of ways of doing it wrong.

A well-designed and installed septic tank system is an intricate structure. There is a multitude of ways that it can be incorrectly designed or constructed.

First of all, a septic contractor must consider the acreage or square footage available. Your property has to be large enough to accommodate the system with all the required separation distances between sections of the system and other things such as wells, property lines, buildings, etc. Obstacles like outbuildings, heavy tree growth, surface water and rock outcroppings will reduce the available area for septic tank installation even more.

We could go on and on pointing out all the mistakes that DIYers make when attempting to install their own septic systems. And still, the list would not be all-inclusive. Don’t make this mistake—call us at Lee Kirk & Sons Septic in Lakeland, Florida, and we’ll take care of your septic tank installation job for you. Now that’s a piece of cake!